Booking conditions

This page describes the conditions under which bookings are made through the website
The "s" in the https protocol means that any data transfer through this website
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Booking process

We take care to keep constantly updated the availability of the properties listed on this website. In order to prevent overbookings, we take a maximum of 24 hours to definitively confirm your booking. We process all the deposit payments through the most secure system in the world: Stripe.
No Stripe account is needed! You can safely pay with your credit card using Stripe with no fees.

Secure payments

Why Stripe? Simple, because Stripe is the most trusted and professional payment platform in the world, it's highly secure. They use industry-leading technology to keep your information safe. Read about how secure is Stripe.

Cancellations and changes

Booking cancellation by the guest

Any cancellation request must be sent to us by email. We consider the date we receive the request as the validity term to apply the agreed cancellation conditions.
Our guests are liable to pay the cancellation charges as written at the moment of booking.
There will be no refunds if, during his/her stay and before the departure date, the guest voluntarily decides to stop using the services he/she booked.

Cancellations related to the COVID emergency

We are in the position of refunding guests payments only in ONE case: the Campania Region is proclaimed ''red zone'' by the regional governor for a period that is within the guest's stay.


Rating:10       score: 9.8

Living Amalfi Living Amalfi
Via delle Cartiere, 84011 Amalfi
+39 3388-655-444
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